today with the hot weather, I thought I'd offer you a new fresh!
I propose this interview (published on Vogue.it) of a band innovative and very interesting. New on the music scene are the release of their second album: "Mind over Matter"
Enjoy it
The title of the album "Mind Over Matter" is a kind of mantra?

Yes, and 'a phrase that is often heard as part of the colloquial language. Sometimes, however, it loses its meaning. We should, instead, begin to think about the meanings that can hide. It 'a concept of great impact. If we could all live by this philosophy, the problems would not have any impact on the personal creativity ...
Compared to previous work feel more synth and electronic distortions ...
The sound is "fuller". For the whole first album was more basic: drums, guitar and voice. Here we have tried to go further by incorporating electronic elements. They were not new to us but now we've gone even more
You said that being in the studio is like writing a book. Why?
Why is the entire work to be meaningful. Whether it's a work of art, a book, or, as in this case, an album you have to listen to everything from beginning to end to understand the history behind it. In our album, there is a common thread, the first track and the last one is like the first and the last chapter. Maybe that's why the writing was immediate
You recorded in a giant Hollywood studio. What do you remember about that experience?
E 'was great. the sound was perfect. Even the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin recorded there. In the air there was an almost legendary and I think this affected the way you play ...
Morrisey said to be one of your biggest fan. Have you ever met him?
Not yet. But we are in contact with him. We exchanged emails for a couple of years and we sent the new disk. Maybe in the future we might be lucky enough to do a tour together. Who knows ..
One last question. You still live together?
No more We shared an apartment, a sort of home studio in Orange County. In the first place to save money, it worked for a while '. E 'was great but now we've matured and each has more responsibility. We lack a little 'play basketball, cook together. The next goal, however, is keeping alive the creativity without having breakfast every day side by side!
I will have to check out their music! :)
YEAH ! It's amazing !!