Hi dearligs !
just few days ago the famous american magazine "Time" published the top 100 fashion icons list (from 1923 to today). Such a great new ! The list is divided in 5 categories : First of all th designers... From the older to the younger, and don't miss names like Valentino, Coco Chanel, Luis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Christobal Balenciaga.
After the designers it's the turn of the models... the woman that give a face to the fashion world , the job that all of us dream to do but only few of us has the suitable body and beauty for becaming a model... Anyway not just model on the list naturally... But Supermodels like Iman , Naomi Campbell and Lind Evangelista ! The most important models ever ! (What a pity that the supermodels era is ended... don't you think ? )

But who are the most important element of a shooting ? and who can make fabulous every model ?
The photographers obiuvsly ! And infact the third category is for them ! The most influent and the ones that made photos for the greatest fashion magazines in the world ! They're Richard Avedon, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton , Mario Testino and Steven Meisel

And the fourth category is dedicated to the editors and the stylist !! All the women and men that created and made the fashion world the most wonderfull field in the universe ! The most inportant are nautrally Anna Wintour, Franca Sozzani and Grace Coddington. But there are some name that are in the history of fashion : an example over the others is Diane Vreeland !

The last one category is the most important I think... It's dedicated to the Muses ! All te women and the men that inspired the desingers in the past years and today:
in this category there is place for Lady Gaga, Madonna and the Beatles.
But not only singers... there's Lady Diana Spancer , Michelle Obama, Andy Warhol, Brigitte Bardot, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.
I really like this list, but I don't like that some great names are escluded... An example over all : Marylin Monroe
(Sorry for the layout but is very difficult post too much photos...)